Hi, all,

Sorry about the length of this and my not fixing the formatting, but my hands 
were shaking already before I read it, and then... -- Scary reading indeed. 
-- Walt

Subject: ALERT: bigot and homophobe appointment being considered for NLRB

>                                ROBERT BRAME TO NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS
>                                  BRAME HAS TIES TO GROUPS THAT OPPOSE
>                              RIGHTS, REJECT DEMOCRACY AND BELIEVE GAYS
>                                                          EXECUTED
>                             According to media sources, President George
>W. Bush appears ready to
>                             nominate J. Robert Brame III to serve as a
>member of the National Labor
>                             Relations Board (NLRB), despite Brame's
>long-standing leadership of
>                             religious-political extremist groups on the
>farthest fringes of the Religious
>                             Right.
>                             Brame has served as a top official of
>American Vision, an Atlanta-based
>                             group that seeks to replace America's
>secular democracy with a "Christian"
>                             regime based on "biblical law," including
>enforcement of the harsh legal
>                             code of the Old Testament. He has also
>served as an advisor to the
>                             Plymouth Rock Foundation, a Plymouth, Mass.,
>group with similar views.
>                             Brame recently resigned from the American
>Vision board after the group's
>                             controversial agenda became public. Though
>Brame served on the board
>                             since at least 1994, he told The Wall Street
>Journal that he was unaware of
>                             American Vision's extreme views.
>                             American Vision has described democracy as
>"the first step toward
>                             fascism," argues that women must be
>subordinate to men and insists that
>                             the Bible requires the death penalty for
>                             Americans United for Separation of Church
>and State, a national
>                             church-state watchdog organization, said
>Brame's service with these
>                             groups, which are affiliated with the
>so-called "Christian Reconstructionist"
>                             movement, should disqualify him from a post
>in government.
>                             "Brame and his allies seek to impose a harsh
>Christian theocracy on the
>                             nation," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn,
>executive director of Americans
>                             United. "Someone with such radical political
>views should automatically be
>                             disqualified from holding public office.
>                             "Once members of the Senate get a look at
>Brame's record, his chances
>                             for confirmation will quickly evaporate,"
>Lynn added. "Brame's ties to
>                             radical groups are indefensible."
>                             To illustrate the radical nature of Brame's
>views, Lynn pointed to the
>                             extremist positions of American Vision (AV),
>which Brame has helped lead
>                             through long-time service on the group's
>five-member Board of Directors:
>                             On theocracy: Christian Reconstructionists
>reject democracy and advocate
>                             theocracy. In the June 1999 issue of
>American Vision's Biblical Worldview
>                             magazine, an AV representative wrote, "We've
>been told that Christians
>                             cannot impose their religious beliefs on
>others. Since heaven is at stake,
>                             we have no choice. There is no hope outside
>of Jesus Christ."
>                             On democracy: The June 1999 issue of AV's
>Biblical Worldview magazine
>                             described democracy as "the first step
>toward fascism."
>                             On women's role in families: American Vision
>insists that the Bible requires
>                             male leadership in society. In the September
>1999 issue of Biblical
>                             Worldview, an AV author wrote that women
>fall between men and animals
>                             in the "God-ordained order." AV places "God
>above all, man joyfully under
>                             God, woman lovingly under man, and the
>animals at bottom." AV has also
>                             said that women should not serve in the
>                             On women in the judiciary: The Plymouth Rock
>Foundation, which Brame
>                             has worked with through service on its
>advisory council, opposed Sandra
>                             Day O'Connor's nomination to the Supreme
>Court because, in their view, it
>                             is wrong for a woman to sit in judgment over
>                             On homosexuality and the death penalty:
>Reconstructionist groups such as
>                             those Brame is involved with maintain that
>under biblical law, homosexuals
>                             must be executed. According to one American
>Vision text, "The law that
>                             requires the death penalty for homosexual
>acts effectually drives the
>                             perversion of homosexuality underground,
>back to the closet, to the dark
>                             realm of shameful activity." Also, in
>October 2000, an AV publication called
>                             homosexuality "a sin worthy of death."
>                             On gays in Congress: In the September 1999
>issue of the group's Biblical
>                             Worldview, an AV author referred to openly
>gay Rep. Tammy Baldwin
>                             (D-Wis.) as a "lesbian Congressthing."
>                             On non-Christian dissenters: American Vision
>argues that once its
>                             worldview is enacted as government policy,
>dissenters would have to
>                             submit to its draconian version of
>Christianity. "Non-Christians would not be
>                             forced to become Christians, but they would
>have to obey laws that came
>                             from the Bible," according to one AV text.
>"This would mean that
>                             homosexuality and abortion, for example,
>could not be claimed as 'civil
>                             rights.' They would be crimes."
>                             On Judaism: American Vision sells a book
>titled, "The Days of Vengeance,"
>                             which says, "The god of Judaism is the
>devil." The book also describes
>                             Judaism as a "demonic religion."
>                             On American history: AV materials take a
>revisionist approach to history,
>                             insisting that the United States was founded
>as a "Christian nation." In one
>                             book, AV asserts that the Constitution was
>designed to afford protection to
>                             Christianity only and not other faiths. "The
>First Amendment had the
>                             specific purpose of excluding all rivalry
>among Christian denominations,"
>                             the group says. "Other competing religions
>were not protected by the First
>                             Amendment."
>                             "Brame makes Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson
>look liberal," said AU's
>                             Lynn, who wrote to Bush in October, urging
>him not to nominate such a
>                             divisive figure to the NLRB.
>                             Concluded Lynn, "The groups Brame is
>associated with seek to impose
>                             their version of 'biblical law' on all of
>us, and they want to use the
>                             government to further those goals. These
>views are so counter to American
>                             ideals that it is difficult to imagine a
>proponent of this radical philosophy
>                             serving in any important public trust."
>                             Americans United is a religious liberty
>watchdog group based in
>                             Washington, D.C. Founded in 1947, the
>organization educates Americans
>                             about the importance of church-state
>separation in safeguarding religious
>                             freedom.

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