>Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 06:00:32 -0500
>From: Gregg Cagno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>driving down a back road in Pennsylvania last night
>listening to Blue as one will do
>I get to River and I remember
>the 1st time I heard River...
>curious feeling
>something about this that I love
>makes me want to set the needle back and hear it again
>brings out a melancholy
>a longing
>but an excitement to know this exists
>an oasis from the synthesized 80's
>I will go back
>and search out this new found stream of consciousness
>fast forward to the present
>the comfort and companionship
>of having umpteen friends
>who discovered this joy on their own
>and now have discovered the JMDL to share this with
>so nice teaching my feet to fly with all of ya...

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