Sage advice from Colin. (btw, I couldn't locate this article...I would like
to read it if anyone has the link still...maybe when I got to the news it
was already a different day & had changed).

Anyway, it truly is a fine line to walk between being aware of the
atrocities in the world & not being overwhelmed by them. I have realized if
I get too involved in the horrors I loose my balance & hope for a better
world or my awareness of all that is right in the world. There is so much
good here & I know that for me it is so important for me to know, be & share
love, peace, joy...all of those things...So I have to chose which battles to
fight & which ones to put energy into or give funds to. Yet anything I do is
such a tiny blip on the big world screen. Which in itself can be
daunting...yet, I am reminded of the 100th monkey syndrome. Its about how
when there are enough people with an awareness of a certain issue then all
of a sudden there is a quantum leap of awareness among humanity. Someone
(don't remember who) came up with this theory based on their observations of
monkeys on an island. Does anyone have this book? I think I have it for thought...& hope....

> Please pray, or think good thoughts, or whatever you do, for the sanity of
> the world today.

sending out good vibes, i  whatever way is really important. Butthe wrold
is really no different to the world of yesterday. dreadful things have
happened. juts we here about them now.

Kate Bennett
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