I hope it is a positive thing for you Colin.


> well despite deep reservations and my anti drug stance, which i have
> made more than clear, I have been taking meds for the last 10 days.
> I needed lots of coaxing and assurances it wouldn't send me mad or kill
> me before I even took the 1st dose. My hand literally shook as I took
> the fist 20mg. I am building to 400 mg daily and am so far up to 200.
> Nothing untoward has happened and the only side effect is my appetite
> has diminished, which for a fat git, is good!
> I did an excellent job of healing myself and learning how to control the
> swings but really it got so tiring, exhausting really. I decide after
> all this time of working on me I desevred to be much better. Flying hugh
> is fun but wading thru treacle is not fun. Maybe it is my
> 'neurotransmitters' and beyond my control, maybe I was born with it,
> maybe not. whatever,  I just had to get over my feelings of shame and
> admit defeat. It'll take a year before I know if it works. Right now, I
> am sleeping the best I have for years and am alert and capable and not
> fraught and worried and white kncukling during the day.
> AND it has had other effects. I nearly got arrested this evening. No
> fear. No anger. Cool as cucumber I stayed. The story is long but
> invloved a woman, false accusations(guess!), ne being let go and her
> being told off. I didn't even shake afterwards! Thought it rather funny.
> --
> bw
> colin
> DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
> Passap 6000, Duo80.
> http://www.tantra-apso.com

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