>BBC News Online: World: Europe
>Tuesday, 4 December, 2001, 19:44 GMT
>Swiss police detain famous conductor
>It's emerged that one of the world's most famous conductors was detained
>by police in Switzerland on suspicion of being a terrorist threat.
>Reports said the French conductor, Pierre Boulez, who's seventy-five was
>dragged by police from his hotel bed in the Swiss town of Basle.
>They detained him for three hours and temporarily confiscated his
>A BBC correspondent says police were acting on information that Mr
>Boulez had once said in the nineteen-sixties that he thought opera
>houses should be blown up -- comments which had placed him on a list of
>possible terrorist suspects.
>The organisers of the music festival the European Month of Music at
>which Mr Boulez was conducting have demanded an apology from the
>>From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

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