how did i end up as the super smoker of this group???
jeezus, that's bad. i don't even smoke those big
stinky cigars! although, i will admit that all the
mosquito scars on my legs and feet are due to the fact
that i was outside goofing off with the other smokers
at the church.
alison e. in slc, baiting my dutch uncle. 
np: pj harvey, just to test my memory
hi jody!

--- Scott and Jody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I  like your idea about getting a teepee for all the
> smoke, especially
> if Alison will be joining us. LOL!  Hi Al!  Victor
> agreed to play "Box
> of Rain" to lull us to sleep if we promised not to
> smoke :~)
> jody
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