There is an excerpt from the new book "What's Going On: Marvin Gaye and the 
Last Days of The Motown Sound" by Ben Edmonds on The Guardian Web site. 
You'll find it at:


It tells the fascinating story of the making of "What's Going On." This is a 
must-read for fans of Marvin Gaye and the song, with lots of great tidbits -- 
for example, did you know that the songwriter (Renaldo "Obie" Benson) offered 
the song to Joan Baez? Or that Berry Gordy hated the song and refused to 
release it? Or that the sudden volume increase in the fade out was done by 
Gaye as a fuck-you to Gordy (who was also his brother-in-law)? 

Good reading. Check it out. 


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