Yo, gang,

I got out of the house yesterday, went to one sheet music store, went to a 
movie, and then went to another sheet music store.

At the first, I found Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach's album "Painted from 
Memory".  Then I saw "My Life As A House", which did have that shortened 
version of "Both Sides Now", and then at the second store I bought "Taming 
the Tiger", the only Joni thing they had (although they were willing to order 
*some* of her other catalog).

I'm looking forward to struggling with the odd time signatures and difficult 
chord  & key changes of both books (piano, in my case).

Easiest trivia question of the year:  Which song on TtT would have a tie-in 
with the Bach/Costello album?  If you get this right, you win absolutely 
nothing. :-)

Anyway, I had a good day, with some Joni in it.

hugs to all around,


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