Mags N Brei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Subject: finding light in the darkness
>When the the glory of the setting sun is
>laid to rest this evening, signifying the first night
>of Hanukkah, I will place our menorah in the window
>and listen as Brian sings the traditional blessings.
>The Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins at sundown with
>the lighting of the first candle on the menorah, and it
>continues until sunset December 17th. It is the beginning
>of the eight day festival of lights.
>One additional candle is lit each evening, using a
>candle called the shamash to light the candles. There are
>nine candles in total, the shamash, (the helper) and eight other
>candles,one for each night. The candles are lit from right to left just
>as Hebrew is read from right to left.
>The holiday is celebrated beginning on the 25th day
>of the month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar, which
>is currently in the year 5762.
>The Hebrew word Hanukkah means dedication. The
>people rededicated their temple after many of the
>beautiful furnishings had been destroyed.
>The Jewish soldiers and Judah Macabaeus, who led them
>into the resistance after the death of his father Mattathias,
>cleaned the temple. They wanted to prepare a big celebration
>for the rededication.
>They searched everywhere for oil to light the menorah, which
>by tradition was kept lighted at all times. But they could find
>only enough oil to light the menorah for one day.
>According to the traditional story, a miracle happened and the oil
>lasted for eight days - the time it took to produce more oil.
>This is one of the many ways that Brian and I
>integrate our lives and our love for each another,
>as we continue along our life long journey together.
>It is my honour and privilege to be included in this
>beloved ritual that is an integral part of my Brian's life,
>heart, soul, and spirit.
>thank you to Brian and to our beloved brother Wally's
>touching post within which he shares
>how he celebrates this special time of year.
>It is with love and respect that I honour this special tradition.
>always and always,

and Wally Kairuz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>Subject: RE: [Fwd: finding light in the darkness]
>today they lit the second candle on the giant menorah that the city
>government has erected on the corner of the street where i live.
>i thought of the hanukah miracle and i prayed for my country to survive the 
> >terrible days ahead.
>wallyK, waiting for the third candle to be lit.

  And I write:

  Although not Jewish, I like the holiday of Hanukkah because it is about 
religious freedom and national self-determination. Happy Hanukkah to all!

Tim Spong
Dover, Del., U.S.A.

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