Pretty cool! I've had a nice discussion this day with a guitarist/singer in Germany. 
He's recorded a CD of covers, and there's not one, not 2, but three(!) Joni songs. 
What makes it doubly cool is that he's recorded them all in German. For Karin, Marian, 
and the others out there that are fluent, here's the page where you can find the 
lyrics: Seiten

He's translated Morning Morgantown & Conversation as well, but was not pleased with 
the recordings so he left them off.

And yes, your ever-vigilant Joni covers watchdog is on his way to getting this CD, 
Gerd wants me to trade a Shania Twain for it.

God Bless Germany!


NP: Toni Childs, "The Dead Are Dancing"

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