In a message dated 12/10/01 1:35:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Congress, or certain members of it, are taking
> advantage of the holidays and 
> all the stuff in the news to try to sneak in a ban
> on the legal recognition 
> of gay marriages or domestic partnerships.  

Good tip, but don't get too scared.  This is clearly
more of a fundraising tool for the right-wing groups
in question than a viable attempt at changing law.  A
Constitutional amendment requires 2/3 vote in both
chambers, and there is NO way that could happen in
either chamber at this point in time or the
foreseeable future.

But any excuse to contact your Rep is a good one.

Michael -- thanks.  You'd think I would've known about the need for a 2/3 
majority, but civics is not my strongest point.  Good to know that it's 
primarily just a tool to raise money for right-wing yahoos, anyway.  I think. 


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