> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date:          Thu, 13 Dec 2001 18:38:24 EST
> Subject:       Did Dolby Eat Dog Eat Dog?
> To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I *loved* Dolby's albums of the early and mid '80's particularly The Flat 
> Earth, which came out in '84, a year before DED came out:  So my question:  
> why did his treatment of her stuff come out so badly (a matter of opinion, of 

I did too.  I have much of his stuff.  I even regard him as verging 
on genius for those two '80's albums he put out.  He's not afraid to 
go out on a limb with his music.  I like that in any artist.


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