>Bree wrote:
> >A couple of questions for you.  Doesn't California have a really good
>chocolate(candy) CO.?   I can't recall the name of the
> > company.
Kakki replied:
>Yes, Ashara's very favorite - SEE'S CANDIES - my family used to ship boxes
>of them around the country to friends and family.  My grandmother and aunts
>all make incredible homemade candy and I have a great-uncle who has a candy
>factory in Pennsylvania - my mother begs for their candies every Christmas
>and sends them the SEE's ;-)

All very well and good, but I can testify as an eye witness that both Ashara 
and Sal almost buckled at the knees when they were introduced - by me - to 
Roger's Chocolates in Victoria, B.C. They've been making and selling 
chocolates in this small shop since 1885 - I swear you can gain five pounds 
just by opening the door and smelling the air.
Dark, semi-sweet chocolate, of course ;-)

If this isn't an inducement for y'all to visit us here in Victoria, I don't 
know what could be. Other than meeting me, of course....

Wishing the best of the season to everybody,

ps. I think there's a See's Candies in Portland, Ore. I was directed to it 
when I first visited Portland in the 80s, and was not disappointed!
Yours in chocolate......

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