<<I know that we can all guess what "that serpent" is, although Joni would probably 
deny it, as she did with "boom boom pachyderm." But what is an 
Ethiopian wall, aside from a wall in Ethiopia? Is this a reference to poetry or 
literature that I'm not getting? >>

I don't think it's necessarily a phallic reference, Bob, although it certainly can be 
interpreted that way. She makes reference in the song to the story of Adam & Eve:

"Wash my guilt of Eden
Wash and balance me"
(this couplet follows her mention of the serpent)

as well as other neo-religious references throughout. So the "serpent" can also be 
interpreted as the serpent in the Adam and Eve story; that is, the man is "pinning her 
with the serpent" or blaming women for the temptation and fall of man.

The "Ethiopian Wall"...from what I understand, it's believed that the origins of man, 
at least the earliest cultures, were developed in this area, so I think it could be 
interpreted as saying that the man is forcing her to return to the (presumed) Biblical 
origins of man and rubbing THAT in her face too, much the same with the moon reference.

What a great song...probably her most cryptic.


NP: Collective Soul, "Where The River Flows"

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