Happy Birthday to you Colin! I hope the new you is still celebrating,
and that it's the start of your best year ever.

Here's some news of Carly for you... one of her songs is being used in a
TV ad. The chorus is "let the river run..." enthusiastically sung. I'm
pretty sure it's Carly's voice even though I don't know that particular
song. Anyway, while she's singing, and the viewer is getting all
misty-eyed and inspired to do... something (I haven't figured out what
yet), close-up photos of supposed United States Postal Service
employees' faces are being shown, covered with some serious and
meaningful phrases, which I can't remember now. I used to take the PO
people for granted but now... I think I love them :-). I really can't
figure out the purpose of this ad, but do enjoy hearing the music, and
briefly feeling full of affection for the "troops" who keep on working
through anthrax contamination, wind, rain, and the Christmas rush. Just
thought you'd like to know that Carly is part of some "feel good"
moments here.

Debra Shea

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