On the topic of concept albums, the issue is not whether DED is one or not.
I'm more interested in JMDLers' input on the DEFINITION of  a concept album?
Could we agree on principle first (if possible) before aguing about

In the record store last weekend I previewed a record by a new artist: Papa M
(David Pajo & Tara Jane O'Neil on guitars).
I purchased it because that one song I previewed sounded exactly like a JONI
tuning, with acoustic guitars, although the whole album has a cohesive
feeling.  I don't think it is a Joni rip-off at all.  Has anybody ever heard
of these artists?

Finally, on Amazon they're selling a Joni tribute ("Child of God" or something
like that) with a naked child in a foetal position on the cover.  Does anybody
know whether this is any good?


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