well, 16 dead and counting. i went to sleep at 9 am [nothing new about
that]. a while ago the police started dragging people out of the mayo square
and shooting rubber bullets [is that how you call them -- it doesn't sound
right]. united nations offices will be closed today, which is  rather a
blessing in a selfish way because i didn't have to go to my morning job. i
have a headache and the noise from the helicopters and the sirens ain't

i am so proud of my neighbors. even the most horrid ones came out last night
and kept the protest going all the time. we are very individualistic and
blase here and that is why we always end up having these crooks in the
government. last night was different. maybe in a hundred years we'll be a

there's a lot more trouble ahead: the bank deposits, the people killed
yesterday, the state of siege, the new coalition government.

this country is fellinesque. did you ever see that fellini movie, orchestra
rehearsal? argentina.

your faithful reporter signs off now.

love you all,

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