Forgive the lack of a NJC tag, but I wanted to wish everyone on the list 
Happy Holidays and the very best for 2002.  This has been a difficult year 
for all of us, and though I had to leave the list for several months due to 
some personal matters, it warmed my heart to think of the wonderful friends 
that I have made via this Internet community.  Thoughts of the JMDL helped 
restore my faith in mankind.  

I want to wish each and everyone on the list a future filled will good 
health, peace and much happiness.

Attached is my holiday greeting to the JMDL community.

May the spirits of the holiday seasons be with us all, and help to guide us 
through difficult times.

All the best,


[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had a name 
of RunMe.EXE]

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