i have just returned home. the state of siege has been lifted.
thank you my dear family for the messages. they await my reading.
my country has plunged into a free fall. like everybody else, i'll have to
roll with the punches. the stock exchange will be closed for a few days.
when it opens again, the currency devaluation will change our lives forever.
in the last 24 hours, i have seen the police raid the streets of my city, i
have seen people clubbed to near death, i have dragged dozens of fallen
protesters out of the way of the mounted police. so many horrible memories
came back.
i am so privileged to be a member of this list. i thought about you all in
the middle of the tear gas and the bullets. i thought how lucky i am to be
able to come back to you whereas most of the people i saw will simply sink
lower and lower into destitution from now on. i am already a lot poorer: my
debts are dollar denominated and my income is in the already deceased peso.
but you all will never devaluate.
i have been up for two days. we have met on a brighter day after all: my
constitutional rights have been restored.
i love you all!

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