Bob, you are right.  Bree, take me, take me.  Actually, I have never known
if I am exclusively homosexual or not.  It is definitely my major side but
have found certain women attactive over the years.  Back in college, I was
involved with a woman.  She knew I was queer but kept inviting me home.
Soon, we were more or less living together.  One night I was laying there
beside her and wanted to do something with her.  Was afraid and didn't know
how and since I didn't want her to think I was stupid or inept, I did
nothing.  That was the only time  in my life I was ever turned on,
physically if you know what I mean without getting graphic, by a woman.  The
next week was spring break and I went home for the week or so.  When I
returned she told me she had been intimate with two men while I was gone.
Crying, tearful, and pathetic she was.  For me, that ruined it.  I could not
go on with her, in any way.  She said, between the tears, "I only did it to
make you do something."  Shortly thereafter I fell in love and left her
behind.  Always wondered what that road would have taken me to, if I had
taken it.
  Sorry, I feel no reticence in writing about such things with you, the
members of the JMDL.

> << Usually in a box of chocolates there are quite a few clunkers. >>
> That's right! THERE ARE NO CLUNKERS! I have never liked those
> chocolate-covered cherry things until now -- Bree's are out of this world!
> It's probably just as well that we don't like girls, Mack, or we'd be
> fighting over Bree!
> We should probably take this off-list so the poor listers who didn't get
> chocolates (there are about 800, I think) won't be too jealous.
>     --Bob

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