Rose that was a very nice post and I'll second bob's comment;I felt like I 
was in the room with the big Italian clan.  With the cigarette smoke and the 
wonderful aromas from all the goodies you mentioned.  Very sad about your 
brother......jeez and on Christmas Eve and your mother too, so close to 
Christmas.  I'm so sorry. Please ramble anytime.

And Anne, the line you mentioned from I'll be home for Christmas,"Through 
the years we all will be together if the fates allow"  That is indeed a 
heart-string tugger.

MaryK had given me a a good trivia question to ask at my families 
get-together:"What is generally considered to be the world's oldest novel 
and who wrote it?"  As I was writing it down so people could read and write 
their answers, I thought this might be a little too tuff.  This is NOT the 
most erudite group.  Although fun and loving......WE lack in smarts.  :-)  
And I was right, no one was able to answer the question.   So I had to 
change it after a hour or so  because of few guesses and WRONG answers.  I 
came up with a pure guess question:"How many buckeyes did I make this year?" 
  The closest answer wins.  (935)  (My niece,Christina,won with a guess 
of,939)   Thanks anyway,MaryK,nice try.

And one other thing..... I am so thankful too in belonging to this group.  I 
think it was Mack who posted recently something to the effect he could write 
and share and "WE" would understand.  I guess he meant he was comfortable 
enough with US.

To each and everyone of you.....Thanks


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