> ??? Please elaborate.  You must be talking about "A beautiful mind" about the
> mathematician who developed schizophrenia.  what do you mean, they left so
> much out of it?

as with many American films(Malcolm X, The one about the Enigma code, which was
bullshit,) they suited themselves what was told. No mention of his boyfriends,
the implication that the woman's 'love' got him well which does a dangerous
disservice to people with this disease and their carers. In other words it is
Hollywood pap.
If one is going to make a film about someone's life, have the guts to do it
properly or don't bother at all.

>  the movie has gotten excellent reviews here.  in fact, there
> is a consensus that Ron Howard, former Opie of Andy Griffith, did an
> excellent job as director.  the washington post had a big complementary
> article in style last week, and they are not quick to complement anyone in
> movies and TV.

but this is about an American hero so of course it will be lauded, as long as the
whole story is sanitized and romanticized.

we just had a piece here about the film. both main actors were lauded for their
sterling work but the fact the story was crap was also pointed out and thus not
considered a 'great' film here in the UK.

> mary k
> People hurry by so quickly
> Don't they hear the melodies
> In the chiming and the clicking
> And the laughing harmonies
> - Joni Mitchell

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