all this talk about cooking now makes me think about recipes that have been 
passed down in families.  does anyone have any gems they want to share?  here 
is mine, offered more in the spirit of humor than for anyone who wants to 
experiment, though it's a real recipe I grew up with.  my theory is that it 
was invented during the Depression when people were hard up.

Spaghetti with Ketchup:
boil spaghetti noodles as usual, then fry them in butter for about 5 minutes. 
 then put in a bowl and mix with ketchup.  apply parmesan cheese if desired.

I can say 2 things about this dish:  no one I ever described it to had ever 
heard of it, so it is a unique tradition, and it does taste better than it 
sounds, but let's say I haven't made it in years.

anyone have any *good* recipes to share?

Mary K

People hurry by so quickly
Don't they hear the melodies
In the chiming and the clicking
And the laughing harmonies
- Joni Mitchell

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