Some thoughts about recent posts regarding Joni

I'm on several of these lists, and what I've found is
that they all develop unique 'personalities'.  i think
that's a good thing. Actually, I find it really
interesting as well. Some sociologist should study why
e-mail lists develop the way they do. Drifting away
from the organizing topic is a big part of many of
these lists. This arrives organically, I think, and is
one of the things that makes these lists an
interesting phenomena. Some lists allow this drifting,
others don't. Depends on who's in charge of the list
and the people subscribed to it.

To me, joining an e-mail list is like making a new
friend. Sometimes, you hit it off right away. Other
times, you start out kind of lukewarm about it, but
feelings grow stronger over time. And yes, there's
occasions where once positive feelings turn sour over
time or due to a specific incident.

I'm glad that people find this list fun and useful.
I'm also glad that others have realized that the list
isnt for them and unsubscribe. Better they leave and
go do what makes them happy then stay and make
themselves and everyone else miserable.

What do you think?
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