This is not marked NJC so that any one on the whole list
may opt-in to this.  This is the only NJC posting that
will occur to advertise this.

I have set up an e-mail list that anyone may join to discuss
ways to help Wally to leave Argentina.

You can sub.scribe by sending an e-mail to


with a blank subject line and the words

        subscribe helpwally

as the only text in the message body.

My list server does not allow a single-shot subscription -
to prevent malicious subscription of an e-mail address by
a third party.  Therefore, you will get two messages back
from the list server.  One will just tell you the results
of the message you just sent:-

[ Start of e-mail ]
Subject: Majordomo results

  subscribe helpwally
**** Your request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
****    subscribe helpwally [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**** must be authenticated.  To accomplish this, another
**** request must be
**** sent in with an authorization key, which has been sent to:
****    <your e-mail address@yourdomain
[ End of e-mail ]

The second e-mail message is the one referred to in the message
above.  It'll look like this:-

[Start of e-mail]
Subject: Confirmation for subscribe helpwally
Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be
added to or deleted from the mailing list

If you really want this action to be taken, please send the
following commands (exactly as shown) back to

        auth 24d16201 subscribe helpwally <your e-mail address

If you do not want this action to be taken, simply ignore
this message and the request will be disregarded.

If your mailer will not allow you to send the entire command
as a single line, you may split it using backslashes, like so:

         auth 24d16201 subscribe helpwally \
         <your e-mail address
[End of e-mail]

You must reply to this following the above instructions
carefully.  Check that your e-mail program has not truncated
or wrapped the line starting "auth....". If it has, make sure
to use the second form of the auth command above.  The only
thing that needs to be in the reply is the auth command,
nothing else.

If you follow the instructions correctly, and send the reply,
you'll be on the list. This will be confirmed by a message
looking like this:-

[Start of e-mail]
Subject: Majordomo results: RE: Confirmation for subscribe helpwally
        auth 24d16201 subscribe helpwally <your e-mail address

[End of e-mail]

You can then post by sending e-mail to


When you reply, it works just like the regular Joni list -
an ordinary reply will go to just the original e-mail sender,
and reply to all must be used to get mail back to the list
as a whole.

If you have problems subscribing, e-mail me direct and I'll
add you manually to the list, but bear in mind that might
take me a while if I'm not near my computer.


Reply via email to