Paul wrote:

It is extremely  poor Netiquette to post to a group a message sent to
you privately without
permission of the person who sent it to you. 
Apparently you are not a person to be trusted."

My response:

Dear Paul:

I owe you an apology.  My initial response to your post that we use NJC
for the "Save Wally discussion" was that you were being needlessly
unkind given the situation in Argentina and our concerns for Wally. 
Once I expressed this opinion to the list you sent me a private missive
whereby you confirmed your unkindness.  That notwithstanding, I believe
you purposefully tried to influence my perspective by telling me
negative things about Wally as a means to justify your position.  

When you do such a thing it is insulting.  Not just to Wally but to all
of us who love and care about another person.  It is one thing to share
a concern about another person privately.  However, when you sacrificed
Wally in order to justify your position, I did not find that honorable. 

When you do such a thing with me you are correct...I am "not a person to
be trusted".  And I will not let such a thing occupy my private world.  
You have reacted to my posting of your missive by calling forth your
sense of privacy.  I find that this "sense of privacy" is often the
concealment of what conflicts with our self-image and which so often
cuts us off from understanding and help.  

Being in my profession I am a great keeper of secrets.  Within my
private life friends confide in me because I do not jeopardize them. 
However, your "netiquette" missive is unpersuasive and fails to guilt me
into silence.  I will not passively conceal your unsolicited invasion of
my world or be stuck with the barbs you so very surreptitiously issued
toward Wally.  I will talk.  You are correct I am "not a person to be


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