Yes Catherine.  Oblivion is Texas.  Rising Star, Texas to be exact.  Despite
all its inadequacies, and they are too many to mention, there are many
pluses also.  The stars on one of them and they are so numerous and bright
that on a clear night you can almost reach up and touch them.  Thanks for
giving me a little sense and tonight I appreciate some things that I often
take for granted.

love, mack

----- Original Message -----
From: "Catherine McKay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "mack watson-bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "joni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: often miss them njc

> Dear Mack,
> Where Is Oblivion? Is it somewhere in Texas?  Your
> stars sound wonderful.  Most of the time, I can only
> see the brightest stars in the sky - it's no wonder
> the only constellations I can ever identify are Orion
> and the Big Dipper.
> Years ago, a group of us went to a cottage for a
> weekend out in the country not too far from Goderich,
> Ontario, on Lake Huron.  We went outside for a walk
> down to the beach after sunset and it was soooo dark,
> you couldn't see anything at first.  Then you looked
> up and saw ALL THESE STARS - I never realized there
> were so many!  This is what you miss when you live in
> a city, another form of oblivion.
> Sending you a great big hug from Toronto.
> --- mack watson-bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > No moon tonight.  Clouds, cold, and darkness.  Here,
> > in oblivion, the stars
> > often shine so brightly that one can see them
> > forever.  The air is clear and
> > the days are peaceful.  Even so, I continue to look
> > over the fence and can
> > never stop wanting to go there; ignoring my own yard
> > and the flowers within
> > it.  Knowing that someday, maybe soon, they will no
> > longer bloom for me and I
> > can never smell their fragrance again.  Even so, I
> > want to go.  Over the
> > fence.
> >
> > mack
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