> From: "Bree Mcdonough" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: DED redux
.  DED just  leaves me COLD>
> Maybe,I'll give it another go in four years and see if anything on my
> part has changed?
> Bree

Dear Bree

I find that the albums that are too "obvious", meaning the ones that are
instantly liked,
are the ones I get bored with after 2 or 3 listens.  Conversely, the ones
that take a while
to discover will reveal hidden treasures at every listen for years to come.
Likewise the song on an album I like least the 1st time becomes my favorite
on the 5th play,
this happens all the time.

You may never like DED though, but please don't give up after just 1 listen.

Another listening suggestion: should anyone ever suffer a setback (work
related, emotional betrayal,  your savings & loan going under, etc.) then
you may find some relief and support
in DED because Joni already spelled out her gut feelings on those topics.
Hope you never do need it.
I know DED helped me when I was angry.


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