I read a biography of Woody Allen about a year ago and Soon Yi came across
as a bizarre, calculating character who seemed to disregard the feelings of
her foster mother completely - probably something to do with her abusive
upbringing (she wasn't adopted until she was 5 or 6). Woody would have seen
her grow up from being a small child - he and Mia were together from the
beginning of the 80s - but he never behaved as a father to any of the
children, with the exception of Dylan Farrow, whom he was later accused of
molesting. The whole thing is very strange, but from what I can make out,
while Woody didn't actually abuse anyone as such (Soon-Yi seems to have had
the whole thing planned out to further her career), he behaved absolutely
immorally - in Manhattan and other films he mourned decaying values, so he's
a hypocrite too. Also, he seemed to have little interest in the raising of
the son he had with Mia Farrow, instead lavishing his affection on his son's
adopted sister, Dylan. His behaviour is indefensible, but his films are

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