Paz wrote:

>>I'll never forget the premise of bringing ice to the Indians.<<

Paul Theroux in 'Mosquito Coast' may not have been the first to discuss this
premise. "Many years later as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano
Buendia was to remember the distant afternoon when his father took him to
discover ice." Thus reads one of the most famous opening lines in all
literature, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'. Gabo's
genius was to make the normal (ice) seem extraordinary while making the
paranormal (Remedios the Beauty's ability to fly) seem totally normal. The
world Gabo portrays in this book is wonderful and if Catherine has not read
this book, or started one of the many other good recommendations, then this
book is one of the treasures of world literature. Read it.

mike in Barcelona
np Joe Henderson 'blue bossa'

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