In a message dated 1/5/02 2:41:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>yes it was complicated but still inappropriate. It has to do with boundaries
>and power and lots of stuff that would need a book to explain!(i am sure you 
>that anyhow)

I actually don't think it's complicated.  Fathers should not have sex with 
their daughters.  Some do - and unfortunately, some boys are sexually abused 
as well.  The worst example of this of course is a father who rapes his young 
child, who is too young to know what's going on.  Whenever there is a big 
difference in age between the man and the woman (say, 20 years or more) there 
is the risk of it being more like a father-daughter relationship.  Plus, Soon 
Yi was quite young when Woody came into her life and he did serve as at least 
a sort of substitute father for a while.  Plus Mia was her adopted mother, 
making the whole thing worse - a man who goes from a mother to a daughter has 
some kind of problem.  Then the sexual relationship started when she was 
pretty young - legally of age, but quite young and certainly a lot younger 
than he was.  Unless he was abusing her before that, which is the question in 
my mind.

There are other cases of abuse of sexual power in a relationship that can get 
people in trouble.  That's why doctors, ministers, priests, and therapists 
should not have sex with their parishioners/patients.  As Colin said, the 
difference in power is too great.  

What Woody did, if the relationship is really mutual (hard to believe given 
the difference in ages but possible) and also if he didn't sexually abuse 
Soon Yi growing up, is not illegal but is unsavory.  It reminds me of the 
practice of young girls of say 15 or younger marrying much older men, which 
still happens in some cultures.  The parents arrange the marriage so the girl 
doesn't really have a choice.   

This also sort of reminds me of polygamy, which is also a situation where 
young girls are married to much older men and the man is obviously the one in 
control.  My only experience of polygamy fortunately is reading about it.  It 
sounds awful though.

Far worse than Woody and Soon Yi is an unfortunate girl I read about who was 
raped by her stepfather.  This girl's mother divorced the stepfather, who 
then married the girl - she was 13 when they married.  She had 4 children 
with him.  I believe this was a true story (reported in a book called Healing 
the Incest Wound by Courtois) that happened within the last 30 years.  The 
kind of thing that makes you wonder how civilized we are after all.

Mary K

People hurry by so quickly
Don't they hear the melodies
In the chiming and the clicking
And the laughing harmonies
- Joni Mitchell

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