We saw A Beautiful Mind last night. This was a really good movie. I thought
that Russell Crowe did a very good southern accent & the aging makeup (for
him, not his wife) was the best I have ever seen- totally real. Ron Howard
did a marvelous job at letting the audience see the world through Nash's
eyes (I don't want to be more specific as this is a critical part of the
story development & I don't want to give anything away)...its really well
done. A great story.

PS, Clark Gable was EXACTLY how I imagined Rhett Butler in the
book...amazing. WOOF indeed!

Mark wrote>>>I've also heard that Leslie Howard didn't want to make GWTW,
didn't read even bother
to read the book and made absolutely no attempt to cover up his British
accent.  Vivian Leigh did a pretty darn good job of sounding like a southern
belle but every now & then her British sort of crept through.  It's pretty
hard to be consistent with an accent that you weren't raised with.  For
Meryl Streep, however, no problem!<<<

Kate Bennett
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