I tossed my mail too soon tonight and can't quote,
but there was a reference to "Passion Play" on the
list .........When I was a little kid in Sunday school
we sang a song about a man named Zachaeus
who "climbed up into a sychamore tree the saviour
for to see". Don't tell my grandmother, but I
remember little of the story except that Christ, when
he passed under the tree, stopped and looked up
and said "Zachaeus, you come down". I think they
went out to lunch then and Zachaeus expressed
doubts about the whole save- the- world bit, and
that Zachaeus, whose name I probably misspell
here wasn't really considered fit lunch company for
the son of God, was a tax collector... but then I may
be confused with Nicodemus there, another song,
another story. The Joni song always makes me
remember bible camp and Sunday school. There
were hand gestures to go along with the song and
we all shook our pointer fingers in the air and
looked stern and stamped our feet three times for
the "you come down". I don't even have a Bible
tonight to look the thing up.
And while I'm mentioning grandmothers, I noticed
in my hometown paper over Christmas an article
about the restoration of a little schoolhouse in a
little place called Coe Hill in Ontario, here.
Apparently Joni's grandmother attended school
there, and there's a photo of her and a bit of a
shrine to Joan. That's about thirty miles of mainly
dirt (snow) road from where I am tonight and I'm not
likely to get there soon. Anybody know anything
about this lady?
Anyway, a belated best new year to all.
greenstudio, up a sycamore, looking through the