I was an innocent 18 year old at the Isle of Wight in 1970.  I don't
remember helicopters.  What I do remember was that there were lots of people
on the hill (known as "Desolation Row") overlooking the festival site.  They
wanted the festival to become "Free" and I think they'd tried to break down
the fences a bit earlier.  The organisers, and those who'd paid for their
tickets, didn't like the fact that these guys weren't prepared to pay their
three quid (about $5) but were happy to share the music.  There had been
growing tension over the previous hours.  I think Joni's comments came as
she started her set and were aimed at what had been happening and not at the
way people were treating her personally.  I do remember being moved by what
Joni had to say.  It still makes the hairs on my neck stand up when I listen
to the recording.

Incidentally, a few hours earlier I'd been given a press pass by a hack who
was leaving early.  This got me between the two security fences.  The real
advantage to me was not the superstars that I could meet, but the chance to
buy food without queuing for an hour.  I got myself some fish and chips then
turned round to see... Joni.  I gave her a chip - don't remember if I
offered or she asked.  I still tell the "Joni ate my chips" story to anyone
who'll listen - and you're the latest :o)

Happy New Year
Phil (in England)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Notaro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 January 2002 19:14 PM


> hello to all in joniland !   i believe the concert being referred to at
> joni reprimanded the crowd was the isle of wright festival.  i have the
> video,  and though it has been a while since i've veiwed it,  i recollect
> that the crowd was being quite rowdy.  they were making so much noise and
> being sooooo rude that joni got very upset and told them off.  ( i will
> the first time i watched it i could believe the crowd wasn't paying
> to our joan !  go figure...)  such a group obviously didn't deserven her
> presence !  i hope that answers the question. later...

It has been reported on this list by someone who attended the Isle of Wright
concert that the crowd was not unruly, or inattentive, as Joni had thought,
that a helicopter was hovering above photographing the event and the
was disturbed by the noise.


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