Him Michael,

I *love* your idea.  More than 20 years ago, I managed to make up my own 
arrangements of Jericho (swoon) and TLTISR for the piano.  I now have Jericho 
in the JM Anthology, and hope to reconstruct what I had 20+ years ago (or 
something like it), but I don't have the sheet music -- I need a starting 
point, or at least a cheat sheet -- for TLTISR.

I'll be working on Jericho in the meantime, now that I have access to a piano 
again -- at least on my good days, I can play/noodle around on the piano for 
an hour or more.  Not today -- hands hurt.

Keep us all informed as to how the piano anthology thingy develops!

warmly, Walt

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