Hi Walt,

I'm sure the very brilliant musicians on the JMDL will answer your
question better than I could. So I'll leave the music theory to them.
What I would recommend is reading the article written for Acoustic
Magazine by Jeffery Rodgers. It is, to my knowledge the definitive
article that reveals Joni's guitar technique. -I'm sure it's archived on
the JMDL website. No?  I was taking a train into Chicago and as I got on
board, my good friend Diane handed me this issue, saying, "I don't know
if you have this already, but I thought you might be interested."

It was THE coolest gift ever. I was trembling with excitement reading
that article. All the 'mystery' of Joni's guitar technique was lifted
away. It is a GREAT read, so I hope you will look for it. It interviews
Joni, with lots of revealing information. The photographs of her are
sooo beautiful. There's a transcript of 'Just Like this Train' and even
a list of her guitar gear. -How's that for cool?

If anyone else on the list has missed this beauty, I do hope you'll
check it out.


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