If your New Year's resolution was to spin more Joni covers, here's your chance to 
feather the nest for FREE!

Once again, some lucky JMDL'er will win a free copy of "Joni Covers, Volume 25"...it 
might as well be YOU.

And all you have to do is send ME (not the list) an E-mail! Guess a song from one of 
Joni's records, and be sure to tell me which record as she's repeated a couple of 
songs. For example:

I Had A King, Song To A Seagull

It's that simple, and costs you nothing. I'll send no spam (other than my silly posts, 
that is), and you might get a fun JMDL covers CD! I especially encourage you newbies 
and lurkers to give it a shot.

I'll keep the contest open through the week, and announce the winner on Saturday.

Good luck!!


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