Hello all! This was on the Folk Alliance list. Wasn't Joni
featured at The Second Fret? Anyone see her there?

>We're looking for people with memories of The Second Fret...
>The Second Fret was a Folk Club in Philadelphia, Pa in the early to mid
1960's.  Owned and operated by Manny Rubin, the Fret became one of the most
influential clubs of that era.  We'd like to gather an archive of stories,
remembrances and photos from our Uncle Manny's club...and we'd like your
help.  Please tell us what you remember about those days at the Fret.  If
you have a photo you'd like to share...e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll
arrange to put it on a photo page..
>Thanks so much for helping us remember and bringing back some of the
nostalgia of those days . Visit the page below and share your stories...
or respond directly to Debbie Rubin at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steve Dulson        Costa Mesa CA       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Tinker's Own"                      http://www.tinkersown.com
"The Living Tradition Concert Series"   http://www.thelivingtradition.org/

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