> One thing I don't understand is why there is so little writing on violence
> against women and children from the feminist movement.  For example, rape is
> not given much attention (there are few books about it) and neither is child
> abuse.  I don't get it.

I cannot answer your question.
However, the abuse of children is not just committed by men. In fact the vast
majroity of very young children that are abused are abused by women, usually
their mothers. This is a very uncomfortable fact, and one which I imagine is not
going to grabbed at my feminist writers.
The sexual abuse of children is also committted by women as well as men.
It is very easy when one has been abused most severely by a man, to forget about
the women who abused too. Certainly both my parents were equally abusive, it just
that father was the stronger and more frightening. That does not let mother off
the hook tho.(and no mother was not at all firghtened of father-once when she
thought she better stop him strangling me, she almost got hit by him and she flew
at him in a rage and mad it quite clear that she would not tolerate that. ' you
can beat the shit of my children, but you don't touch me' is what I knew she
wsaying. At that young age, i knew i was sunk.)

Anyhow, both men and women abuse children, they just do it in deifferent ways.
Both men and women sexually abuse children. Unfortunately, those sexually abused
by women have a harder time in therapy etc because of the unwillingness of people
to see women as abusers.

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