"Your noches liberation doll" seems to be the most hotly debated bit of Joni lyric. No one really seems to know what it means, everyone has a theory, who knows who is right?
Then it hit me-it could be an anagram! Maybe Joni was hiding a message in an obscure lyric passage. I found an anagram website, and entered 'your noches liberation doll'. I got back MANY entries. Here are some of my favorites: Abhorrently delicious loon Heinously bold correlation Odorously intolerable inch Blearily or uncool hedonist. To lousy, honored brilliance. Loony, dishonorable, cruel it. Continually bloodier horse. No! noble, delicious harlotry. Horridly absolute, nice loon. Horribly tooled on lunacies. Cool heroin urinates boldly. I, coitally horrendous noble. Bloody Hell! a cretinous iron. Loony-bin or allied touchers. Bloodily not raunchier lose. Tiny, dishonorable, cruel loo. Absolutely horrid, nice loon. This burly, loonie canoodler. Reliably or uncool hedonist. Boo! heinously clitoral nerd. Bloody Hell! nuisance or riot. Rehoused clitoral loony-bin. Odiously nobler, nice harlot. Oily, rich, absolute Londoner. Sod! looney, horrible lunatic. An elite, burly, cool dishonor. O Hell! notoriously nice drab. Horrible loons lout cyanide. Shoot! loony, rude brilliance. Hello! rabid, cretinous loony. And, perhaps the most appropriate amagram in this entire exersise: Blearily dishonor cool tune. Love Ya! Tyler Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! http://promo.yahoo.com/videomail/