Saw Rory Block at The Barns at Wolf Trap last night -- she was excellent!  I've seen 
Rory's name here and there over the years but had never heard her voice (that I was 
aware), let alone attend a performance.  If you dig the blues, go see her!!!  Tour 
schedule here: (tonight she'll play in NC). 

Rory just released her 14th album, "I'm Every Woman," which features some Motown 
covers (apparently quite a departure for her).  Mary and I bought the CD (and had it 
autographed, of course), and listened to it on the drive home.  It's wonderful, esp. 
Al Green's "Tired of Being Alone," and Ashford & Simpson's "Ain't Nothin' Like the 
Real Thing" -- a duet with Keb' Mo'.

A new Rory fan here ... (can ya tell?)

in MD

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