Finally got out tonight to see LOTR at Graumann's Chinese in Hollywood.  Ran
into JMDLer Clark outside, too!  I thought the movie was very stunning and
despite having seen many photos of New Zealand over the years, I was just
blown away by its beauty.  I just went back and read Victor's very
articulate review of the movie and can appreciate it better now.  I also
loved the scenes in the Shire and went nuts over the little Hobbit houses -
they were just like I'd imagined them.  It's been way too long since I read
the books and think that I will read them again as a refresher.  My only
thought about "should have been" is that I think it may have been good to
make the first movie to be The Hobbit in order to give the audiences a
deeper background reference point and connection with the characters.  I
found two LOTR personality tests on the web.

In one I came out most like Bilbo Baggins and on the other I was most like
Boromir!  LOL


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