--- William Waddell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was rummaging through my old record collection and
> was reminded of how you
> could really spend time looking at and see detail in
> 12" album covers. 

You're darn right.  CD covers seem to still be
following the LP model but in a small format and it
just doesn't work - you can't see a thing, and just
try reading the lyrics when you're middle-aged,
horribly near-sighted and now needing bifocals and
just finding out you're starting to develop a
cataract.  And it's on my "good" eye too, the left one
which is still horribly bad, but not nearly as bad as
the right.  Irony strikes again.

> were the daze. Does anyone know if/who Joni is
> impersonating on the cover of
> DJRD? 

I think it's a character she created called Art
Nouveau (ha ha).

>And while we're on the subject - the boy on
> the right?

Good question.  I asked that once before but never got
an answer - let's hope you have better luck than I! I
examined that picture very carefully to try to find
out if maybe it was Joni in some other disguise, but I
just couldn't see it (given that every other person on
the cover is Joni, I figured maybe the boy was too,
but apparently not.)

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