<<I noticed the L.A. Express toured with Joni in 1974......did she tour with them in 
1975? >>

No. Her '75 appearances were her performances on Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue. 
Some of these recordings are available and are very interesting. Joni does "Woman of 
Heart & Mind", "Edith & The Kingpin", "Don't Interrupt The Sorrow", and an early 
version of "Coyote" where she sings the original lyric:

"He's got a woman for the night and I think he wants one for the day"

instead of:

"He's got a woman down the hall and I think he wants me anyway".

Wonder what prompted that lyric change?

Plus, she joins in for the "encore" of "This Land Is Your Land" where she fudges a 
verse about the Vancouver Islands...

<< I thought the concert that I attended was in 1975?  
(Zincinnati) Or anybody that would know that wants to chime in.>>

The concert you attended was most likely in February of 1976, her HOSL tour. Yes, she 
was also on the road with the LA Express for this one. Great shows, some very creative 
performances. Les posted an article this week about this tour, which was supposed to 
be her first big world tour but they pulled the plug after Joni's breakup with John 

If anyone has any recordings from this tour, please let me know! I have a couple but 
would LOVE to hear more - never hurts to ask! :~)


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