<<Do you have the tape of Shawn Colvin doing it? It is very short, but very beautiful. 
A tribute to Joni at one of her liver concerts.>>

Liver concerts? Was this some kind of benefit for Crosby? :~D

(Yes, I've heard the Shawn...she does it as part of a nice medley with some other 
songs. So funny that Shawn didn't do a Joni song on her "Covers Girl" CD, as much as 
she loves Joni)

<<Can't imagine why Bill Laswell is on it. Where was the Blue????>>

I dunno, if I ever meet up with Laswell, I'm gonna open up a can of whup-ass on him. I 
don't get it either, but included it out of obligation. Hey, at least Joni got her 
money out of the deal!


NP: Ani, "'Tis of Thee"

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