--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Erica wrote:
> <<She glowed, literally! I think it was gold or red,
> but the dress seemed
> >more like a >thick guilded brush stroke that she
> wrapped around herself just 
> moments >before. I remember one clear and definite
> thought that entered my 
> mind was that she truly is a priestess, magical and
> mysterious,simply 
> beautiful.  >>
> And Smurf replied:
> <<(Although I was there that night and I thought
> Joni looked like she was 
> wearing a couch!)>>
> Bree said:
> <<JFOMCDCBOLTH:just fall off my computer desk chair
> because of laughing too 
> hard.  What the hell did her outfit look like?  I
> have to know!>>
> Now me: 
> I was there, at the stage taking pictures, and
> frankly I don't think it was 
> the most flattering dress I've ever seen Joni wear.
> However, you can see the 
> pictures from that night, and relive the concert,
> Erica, by going to:  

LMAO! First I read Erica's description, which sounded
lovely.  Then I read Smurf's, then Ashara's - and then
I linked to the picture.  Reminds me of the story of
the blind men and the elephant.  This outfit reminds
me of those crepe paper Halloween costumes they had
when I was a kid - if it was raining on Halloween
night, you'd come home with globs and strips of wet
paper hanging all over the place.  Joni paid big bucks
for that outfit, I'm sure, unless she's got some kind
of a deal with Miyake.

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