Covers guy???? Can you say SLUT? The man will listen to the opening of an
envelope. He is the ConsumateConsumer. He will listen to anything a least
once. Music is like 80somethingpercent%%%% of his whole life and the rest is
ALL heart. Other than that he is your typical Southern White Trash SLUT and
HE is all ours.

Paz (an authority){Takes one....}

on 2/3/02 12:17 PM, Bree Mcdonough at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Put me down for this one.  Bob,how did you become the "covers guy"?  Were
> you involved with these projects before becoming a member of the list?  Or
> after?  What a wonderful avocation!!  I printed this out so my musician..
> eat, sleeps, drinks music brother could get a flavor of what you compile.
> He IS NOT a fan of Joni,but does recognize her innovativeness and genius in
> music.  He and I are both big beatles fans and were musing if there is a
> "cover guy/gal"  somewhere out there for their music?  Surely there must be.
>> 3. Dee Felice Trio - Both Sides Now: These are both very solid
>> instrumentals, with a Vince Guaraldi piano feel.
> Dee Felice is from Cincinnati,a drummer.  I've seen Dee and his jazz trio a
> few times downtown.  Very well-known in Cincy.
> .
>> 5. Sato Nanaco - Woodstock: Extrememly haunting & beautiful version of the
>> landmark song. Done by a Japanese singer in a very unique style. Hard to
>> describe, really, except to say that I love it!
> This one I can hardly wait to hear.
>> 17. Kathryn Grayson - Both Sides Now: Oh Gawd! My sincere apologies for
>> this one. Simply dreadful. And what the hell is she singing at the
>> beginning? "oars & plors of angel hair"? I put this one last so you can
>> push the off button after Peter King! :~)
> You must have agonized including this one.  Doesn't she have an operaetic
> type voice;sang with Mario Lanza in movies?   Could it be as bad as Steve &
> Edie Gorme doing Soundgarden's,BLACK HOLE SUN?
> A QUESTION FOR EVERYONE:Why do some of the GREATS i.e. Joni,Paul
> McCartney,Errol Garner,Buddy Rich,prefer or choose not to read nor write
> music?  I understand that maybe in doing so would somehow curtail their
> creative juices/flow.....but this doesn't totally answer it for me.  Any
> thoughts?
> Bree who has Diana Krall tickets for seats starting at 312,orchestra
> section.  Who now *will not* have to bring her megaphone to yell..."Case of
> You"  I believe these seats are about four or five rows from the stage.  :-)
> Bree
> NP:Todd Rundgren,Can We Still Be Friends?

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