Well Delurking from home and not the office, I inserted a free aol cd for 45 days.
I did a lot of Ontario traveling as a kid back then It was only 18 when it was legit 
to stop by the Beer store outside Ridge Town. But I remember it was Highly Illegal to 
have open bootle of beer in your car my canadian friend would drive like hell to get 
out to the boonies and then open up the trunk and and start swelling the Molson's 
which was my fav.
Now back to the lounge.
It had a rather square floor plan 30" raised platform entrance in the corner. Dark and 
smoky all night with the sound of glass filled with something smuggled in. I was only 
13 and was all ready 5'-10" Chuck and Joni played seperately.I was brought by my Aunt 
who was my really my godmother portal to all culture that was in Detroit in the 60's. 
Chuck did appear at first as a Pete Seeger wannabe but played the 12 string very well 
and had a solid voice a step down(ladder and scale) from Gordon Lightfoot.Joni thin 
straight blond hair with as much make up on as was the norm. Driving around with my 
Aunt I was very used to her starting with lipstick at a red light and going to the 
powder from the chin to the forehead and ending with the blue eyelid stuff on the 
green, we drove around in Mercury's, even Mom work for Henry F.Ok back to Joni I am 
afraid I can not remember to many songs Joni sang. Urge for Going was one but my Aunt 
was pissed it was not on her first album.
Joni's love for solid colors burn in my mind the night I saw her first I believe was a 
simple long A line dress that stood out like a painted grain silo on the flat corn 
fields of Ontario. This set a long shadow for my dreams forever.After Midnight 
sometimes the electric blues men would show up and blast out a very early BB Bing like 
Sound speeding on Unleaded Premium gas that sold back then for 19 cents a gallon. For 
all those who need a picture of Detroit the typical intersection of the Street grid 
there was usually 3 gas stations and maybe a cemetary or a Food supermarket.
The End.
Brian at 6'4" 
NP Mozart Violin Concerto #4 
Adante Cantabile(super melodic)
Monica Hugget Orchestra of Enlightenment


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