"Practice!! Practice!!  Open tunings are a pain in a butt....it's like a 
typewriter that letters move around on you everytime you sit down to it.  
BUT it does cough up original harmonic movements if you want original 
harmonic movements.  And you are willing to like confuse your left hand 
completely.  Then go for it!  Toodle the pegs until you like the chord then 
search for the shapes with in it."


"melodies in my head since a young child"  Piano teacher to Joni:"WHY would 
you want to play by ear when you could have the masters under your fingers?" 
  "I wanted just enough chops to get these melodies out."  "Creativity I 
think,generally in terms of lessons gets overlooked for tradition.  So 
anything original is kind of repressed and gets mistaken....I don't 
know......(trails off)

There is no doubt in my mind anyway;if Joni would not have been the free 
spirit and adventurous person that she is and would have conformed and bent 
under this knuckle rapper, piano teacher.. we would not have today.. 
HEJIRA,DJRD.......need I say more.

On the other hand:

Benny Goodman, the master jazz clarinetist  (mastered classical as 
well)until the day he died continued with lessons and practiced everyday of 
his life.  Something in his makeup.. he needed this.  (maybe his fear was 
becoming lazy......maybe his parents drilling in his head as a child 
??...."Benny you must practice..practice makes perfect!")   I think it comes 
down to the individual......their proclivities.....


>Oh...someone mentioned Gershwin in all of this.... cant remember who.
>He studied music from an early age and wrote musical notation. He had
>a number of piano tutors but didnt formally go to a music school. He
>even asked Nadia Boulanger for for lessons when he was in Paris, but
>she politely declined. He sketched out much of American in Paris
>during that visit.
>Er thoughts over...brain dead...awaiting a roasting .....

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