On February 10 in Joni Mitchell History: 1974: Joni performs at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada
1976: Joni performs at the University of Cincinnati Armory Fieldhouse. The university paper reviewed it saying "The question arises: Why did she lack ... sensitivity throughout the major portion of the program? Perhaps the apparent fact that she was tired, seemingly walking around in a daze at times, is an answer." More info: http://www.jmdl.com/articles/docs/760213nr.cfm 1985: From Wally's Bio Page: Following the recording of the mega all-star single "We Are The World" at the end of January, Columbia Records wanted an albums worth of superstar songs for an April release date. Canada's contribution, a song called "Tears Are Not Enough," was recorded mostly [today] and Joni, who had been in the studio starting work on her next album, flew in to Toronto to contribute her vocal lines along with the likes of Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, and Bryan Adams. The music had been written a day prior by David Foster. More info: http://www.jonimitchell.com/NorthernLights.html ------------------------ Search the "Today" database at http://www.jmdl.com/today